Reflection May 12, 2021 DAY OF EXAM

The night before the exam I was feeling pretty confident and chipper especially since my friends wished me good luck. I surprisingly woke up 10 minutes before my alarm which was good because I wanted to stretch for a bit. I really didn’t like that our test was on a Wednesday because it was literally the perfect day to sleep in since it was rainy and cloudy. Once I got to the school I went to the media center. I sat near the window seat since that’s what makes me more comfortable and I get fairly easily distracted by when it comes to staring at a wall and I blank out. While I was taking my test the multiple choice was good and I finished all my questions and at the end I had 5 more question but not enough time so I just bubbled in something. When the writing part came I went straight into the reading underlining everything I could use. Time is definitely what I struggle with most and I went like 3 minutes after the recommended time, When it came to the rhetorical analysis my mind went a bit blank for a bit so I had to write on my booklet to set up my essay. Around this time was when I was feeling sleepy ,but I remembered what Mr.Rease said about it , I could either do my best on the test and pass or fall asleep and have to take this class in college again, so that’s what kept me going. Once it came to the argumentative essay I went in really quick since it’s basically putting down your ideas and experiences and honestly it’s the one I’m best at. Once the test was finally over I was so relieved and it toke way less time than the APUSH. Oh and my back didn’t hurt this time ,but I still want to go to the chiropractor. It was a nice day and I got to see everyone and I love that since it’s not the same when texting or FaceTiming. 


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