Reflection March 11,2021

 For class today we mainly had a talk about whether paying for a college education was worth it or not. My opinion on the matter is somewhere in the middle, but since I need to pick a side I was on the opposing side. To be quite honest I can see why people would be on the opposing side. College tuition in the U.S has been rising while income for most has been only steadily increasing. Not to mention how other tuitions around the world where the majority of students and their family can afford college since the tuition is lower than the U.S.  As we went over the claims of each position my opinion didn't change at all but it did raise important evidence as to why higher education is important. This might just be me looking at this way too hard since I try to keep up to date on economic and political standpoints. Overall today was a good day, informative and simple.😄


  1. Hey Linda :) I agree with you. I've watched videos of so many teenagers talk about the costs of college outside the U.S., and it just makes me think about how the U.S. education system isn't...good. Fortunately though, college isn't the only way to a successful future.


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