Reflection March 12,2021

 Today was an early release so it was pretty smooth and went by really quick. We got to see our scores from when we toke a practice exam. I feel like for it was a time mangagment problem since, I overall did decently. I definalty want to keep improving myself to reach my highest copasity. When seeing my score I saw what parts I needed in order to get a higher score,and I agree beacuse I only got to write 4 paragraphs and my conculsion was way to short. Through out the remander of the day we countined to talk about the deabte about wether college is worth it or not based on pros and cons. Overall it was a nice and productive day.


  1. Heyy Linda, I had an issue with time management as well lol. But, I’m glad you did good and plan to do better next exam :)


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