Reflection March 22,2021

 Today was a pretty basic day, we got to pick what subject we wanted to be taught to us, which was pretty fun. I was growing really restless during the first half of class and was tired of sitting down. So I had to get up and stretch and get up and do something to make me less uncomfortable after sitting for so long..  The bellringer consisted of talking about stereotypes for women and men and it's definitely something that comes up from time to time in my life. It is truly something that I hate seeing or hearing and overall puts me in a weird mood. Later into the day, we talked about discussing and writing prompt topics. Topics like social media and how it is a reflection of one's self and other discussion questions like GMOs and how they affect the plant. 


  1. I understand what you mean, I think stereotypes are just something people use to interpret another person, and if you don't get to know them you'll never know who they truly are. They'll just end of with a false interpretation in the long run.


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