Reflection March 25, 2021

 Today was a busy day for me, I was inside the car in the parking lot waiting for my name to be called to go inside to present. At the beginning of class, we didn't have a bellringer, so we went over the vocabulary videos we made. Overall, it was nice I liked seeing other people's videos and creating it was a bit fun as well. The part that took the most time was finding good videos for examples, at first I was looking through Tik Tok, but that was taking too long so I just remembered scenes from animes and movies. At the end of class, we talked about an upcoming project we have to do in groups. That was around the time I had to leave but, I got to see the topics and they are some of my greatest interests or debate with other people. I came back for a little after I was done speaking but, I didn't know what was going on at the end. Fortunately, I was caught up to speed thanks to one of my friends.


  1. I thought the topics he gave us were really good too, and I think the project itself will give us a better understanding on what they're looking for in a synthesis essay.


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