

I’m so glad it’s finally Friday and we finally had our last blog post. I honestly loved blogging a bit even though sometimes I was tried. I’m actually going to miss it and might do it for the last week. 


Mr.Rease asked us to write a post about giving incoming AP Language and Composition students advice. Hmmm honestly I guess first start of come in with a good and positive mindset since it’s essential to want or at-least have a need to learn. For me it was imperative that I gave it all my attention ,because of virtual I get distracted easily so I definitely had to make an effort for that. If a student will be taking it virtually I think they should probably try to keep their focus on hearing, for me it was a struggle trying to make my attention span last so long ,but I managed.Probably practicing time management and fast writing skills. I feel like students should work on time management when it comes to their writing so they can read over any mistakes they have made. Another piece of advice would be to ask questions when needed or ask the teacher for advice. Mr. Rease honestly did a good job with that and made sure he answered everyone’s questions. GOOD LUCK TO THE NEXT STUDENTS IF THE

Reflection May 20,2021 ( 5 DAYS OF SCHOOL LEFT)

Today was a nice somewhat awkward day for me ,but neither the less quite funny. We didn’t have a bell ringer today and we started to talk about the AP LANG test. Honestly a few flashbacks came into mind and I started to think about what I wrote and I could remember majority of things , surprisingly. After that we had to get started on our final exam project. I kinda embarrassed myself a little since for some reason I couldn’t say repetitiveness, but it made laugh so it was good. Mr. Rease is honestly such a good teacher and especially for the short time we had him and for being a online class, I might have to write a speech for him. Mr. Rease gave us all the possible resources to finish our project which was pretty nice. I honestly completed all the previous either in class or after class so I can get it done with.We got to see ones blog from when Mr.Rease first started out and it was pretty nice. I believe the former student of Mr.Rease was called Luis and I went to go check out his b

Reflection May 18,2021 (6 DAYS OF SCHOOL LEFT)

Ummm I honestly almost forgot to write a blog today since it feels so close to the end of the year my brain just wants to take a break. I’m honestly so grateful that we get Wednesday’s off because that’s when I compose myself and get a lot of work done.Today was actually pretty chill and went by kinda slow but since it ended at 2:30 ish I was like WOW that went faster than expected. We started to work on the second part of our project and I went along with Mr.Rease said and tried to finish it up as soon as possible. I like to do it earlier because than I get lazy or discouraged with my work. We also got a paper which showed the dates when the work is due and I like that since it keeps me up to date and what to expect.  We have to turn in our project on the 25 and I think that’s a pretty good day. I really hope we get to do something fun on the last two days though .

Reflectin May 17,2021 (7 days of school left)

Today was honestly a pretty good day and for some reason it doesn’t feel like Monday to me. Today we basically started talking about our career paths and what we want to do. For me I said international Econ and pre law. I always felt passionate about these routs since its connected to my daily life. I’ve only changed my career choice twice and that’s when I wanted to be a nurse or oncologist, but I get overall emotional and cry very easily when it comes to heavy hearted situations and I do feel passionate about the job and how it can help others. The other choice I had was law and international Econ which is a great fit for me since it’s still helping people ,but in a different way, when it comes to law it just find it fascinating and I truly enjoy talking and debating about it. Since I was the daughter of immigrant parents immigration and politics has been in my life every since I could comprehend, since I was a little girl and could translate I would help my parents with papers and o

Reflection May 14, 2021( 2 MORE WEEKS OF SCHOOL)

Today was honestly pretty fun and quick which is always great. I’m so glad it’s Friday now because it’s been a long week. Just two more weeks to go, technically 8 days. In class we just played a Kahoot! game about Mr.Rease which kinda surprised me and made me laugh since I thought it was going to be about the exam or something. I got 7 questions correct which wasn’t to bad. I was laughing at some the questions when it came to Mr.Rease’s catch phrase and I knew it was that one because I feel it’s like something he would say. Hmmm and as for how this class can improve I’m not really sure actually I like the way Mr.Rease teaches and I felt really prepared when I took  my test and having one on one time was really helpful too. I really appreciate the blog post to be therapeutic and it’s good to write well type things down. Not really sure how to answer this ummm maybe let students talk more I honestly don’t know. Mr.Rease is overall a pretty good teacher.

Reflection May 12, 2021 DAY OF EXAM

The night before the exam I was feeling pretty confident and chipper especially since my friends wished me good luck. I surprisingly woke up 10 minutes before my alarm which was good because I wanted to stretch for a bit. I really didn’t like that our test was on a Wednesday because it was literally the perfect day to sleep in since it was rainy and cloudy. Once I got to the school I went to the media center. I sat near the window seat since that’s what makes me more comfortable and I get fairly easily distracted by when it comes to staring at a wall and I blank out. While I was taking my test the multiple choice was good and I finished all my questions and at the end I had 5 more question but not enough time so I just bubbled in something. When the writing part came I went straight into the reading underlining everything I could use. Time is definitely what I struggle with most and I went like 3 minutes after the recommended time, When it came to the rhetorical analysis my mind went a