
Showing posts from February, 2021

Reflection February 26, 2021

 Today during class we went over our thesis from yesterday. I got to see examples as to what was the right way on constructing a thesis and what not to day. Over all today was pretty smooth I got a greater explanation on how to write more effectively, by taking the proper steps. At the end of class we got another assignment which was to write another thesis and body paragraph which was on whether Buy nothing day should be celebrated. I felt better prepared this time when writing since I kept short and simply with providing sufficient evidence. However I still think I need to do more improving on my writing to get to the level I want.   

Reflection February 25, 2021

 Today in class we went through how to write an effective thesis and body paragraph. For me I tend to go over board with providing information and facts when I get to write statement. I saw how to fix my mistake by writing only once sentence with 3 supporting evidence. When I saw the word evidence my mind was thinking of creating more complex statements rather than a word. I also need to start getting into the habit and understand that the test examiners probably don't want a really extensive paper, rather one that is of medium length that gets all the points in an affective process.       

Reflection February 23, 2021

 Today in class we went over general tips about thesis statement. So we can further strengthen our skills on how to take the AP exam. I learned about how to make a productive introduction with a good attention grabber, introduction topic, and state my thesis. We also went on the pointing system and how we would get the maximum and what would get us points deducted. For example if we write in another language other than English we get points taken of. This used to be a little bit of a struggle for me, not the writing part but staying in the mindset of writing English while I think of another language. Since I usually don't think in English sometimes I tend to write little things in another language, but thankful that habit is gong away.

My Poem

  The title of my poem is Double the Endeavors . It is about the struggles and success of African American Women. My inspirations for this poem are Jasmine Twitty, Shirley Chisholm and Michelle Obama. The theme of my poem is to highlight the challenges African American women face and how they overcame the discrimination of their skin color and gender.  I am now going to recite my poem.                                                     Double the Endeavors    They have created a new kind of ignorance, an ignorance that they still refuse to take into acceptance. The fact that they still pretend to give their supposed “evidence” that the discriminations and hardship people face  between the division of race and gender is to  non-existence. Despite the fact that over again and again we provide sufficient evidence as to how we are treated, with negligence. Let us review here, you took the color of one's skin into consideration  but only ever when it worked to your favor according to y

Reflection February 19, 2021

 Today we went over AP Classroom and a practice test. We used the same methods as we talked about yesterday which were process of elimination. Through out today our essential question correlated with our work today and the question was : Define manhood and hat it means to be a man. I had 7 multiple choice questions and I got a 7/7 which wasn't I was expecting but I did great. To me the hardest part of AP testing or testing in general is staying concentrated or being calm, since when we practice  I feel less pressure and less stress it changes my mood on how I take my test.      

Reflection February 18, 2021

 Today we went over AP LANG practice multiple choice questions. During class we discussed ways on how we could make the best possible score on the AP LANG test. Some strategies we went over were process of elimination which is when we eliminate 2-3 answer choices to pick from the best ones. I personally like this method but I worry because what if I eliminate the correct answer. Another method we used was dissecting  the problem by figuring out the meaning of words or referring back to the text . When it comes to trying to understand words I am not familiar with I try to find the meaning of root or suffix but if I can't I usually won't understand.      

Reflection February 16, 2021

 Today during class we went over the poem ''We Real Cool" which to me had quit and interesting take on poetry to me. I noticed the repetition of we and the end of each sentence which I thought must be important since it stood out. During class I would later find out the the repetition  "we" seven times talks about 7 teen boys doing delinquent things while out of school. through out the poem we get examples of what they do like skipping school, playing pole and drinking Gin. Overall today was pretty nice just analyzing a poem and digging for a deeper meaning. 

Reflection February 12, 2021

 Today we went over rhetoric of place in class. We talked about how some places have a symbolic meaning such as the White House which coveys leadership . Place often with a historical background are used to make speeches to make it more meaningful. We also went over former president Bush's  address which was after 911 to take military action on Afghanistan. I got to observe how used affective speech rhetoric and rhetoric of speech. For example using empathy when he said that a 4th grade girl wrote a letter concerning her father going out to war and saying the U.S is in alliance with its people but not the Afghanistan government.

Reflection February 11, 2021

 Today in class I learned about certainty and doubt. Examples for both faith and doubt were provided using the same example to form a relationships such as being human or being on Earth.  We also went over an AP language free response question. I learned to to sight evidence and create a claim to support my position. We also discussed  that religion can play an important part in what our faith is like. Lastly the main thing I took away from class today was how to distinguish one from the other and how they can go hand in hand.

Reflection February 9, 2021

 In relations to what we talked about yesterday today we talked about Crisis Rhetoric which is a specialized kind of communication when urgency is the main topic. For example today we specifically about the former president of the U.S and how he used crisis rhetoric in his speech in particular the topic of illegal immigration. I saw the former president use urgency to convey his argument that something should be done right now. In addition I  also observed that he used dramatic characters where he would describe in his opinion that the immigrants were bad and that the American people like Police officers were good. Lastly we also went over on how the ex presidents speech changes from formal to more loud and going of topic.       

Reflection February 8, 2021

Today in class we discussed more about arguments specifically about crating claims. I learned a claim is the support part of the essay that conveys the position of an argument. A claims purposes is to persuade, argue, convince or prove their side of the argument. Apart from learning what a claim should have I also learned what I shouldn't put in my claim such personal opinion, being based of friends and families opinions or because its tradition. Lastly I learned the difference between opinion and arguable claim which is that an argument is supported by evidence which can be debated where as opinion is just supported by opinion. 

Reflection February 5, 2021

 This Friday we learned about the topic of humor and how certain comedians humor has an affect on this generation. Comedians like Kevin Hart  have been seen as offensive for making derogatory statements towards certain groups of people. Today we took a stand point on whether this was acceptable or not. While taking our position on the argument we learned how to make claims and how to explain it. Lastly I learned how to deafened my claim and provide evidence.    

Reflection February 4, 2020

 Today in AP Language and Composition I learned about what ownership means and how to use claims to defend one's position. We went over that ownership had different meanings for example ownership of tangible or non-tangible things. In addition to how they affect one's self and their personality, whether   it was detrimental to someone's personality, beneficial towards a person or if it extended beyond that. Intangible things a person can have personal possession of are : skills, health, happiness, and experience. Lastly we learned when a person acquires a certain skill it can lead to one's purpose and that the experiences someone's has ultimately creates the person.  

What I learned on February 1, 2021

What I learned   February 1, 2021       The start of February initiates the start of black history month. Today we went over a poem by Langston Hughes that is called "The Negro Speaks of Rivers". I learned from the poem many forms of rhetoric that was used to bring his writings to life. For example when he used similes ,''  My soul has grown deep like the rivers.'' Another example of rhetoric is when he use personification ,'' I heard the singing of the Mississippi when Abe Lincoln went down to New Orleans''. Lastly what I took from todays lesson was the importance on who our history shapes and affects  us till this day.