
Showing posts from April, 2021

Reflection April 30,2021

Yesterday really felt like Friday to me so when I woke up today it felt a bit weird. Today went by really smoothly and funny and it uplifted my mood a bit. For the opening we had to write for your blog from yesterday ,but fortunately I had a friend told be me it’s better I do it than not. Today during class we talked about how it went for the Mock Exam and it honestly felt great hearing other people. I like that Mr.Rease went over it and talked it over with us. Explains little things actually helped a bit. Overall today was nice and it went by really quick 

Reflection April 29,2021

I’m actually not sure if we are supposed to do a blog today ,but better safe than sorry. Surprisingly today went by really fast. We didn’t have a forth period since we had to take the Mock exam. My friends wished me good luck and that made me feel a bit better. I choose to take it at school since that’s what I felt most comfortable with. I got to see some of my classmates and friends which was nice. Oh and I finally saw Mr.Rease for the first time in real life. Overall during testing was pretty calm but in the middle I got board and my mind started to drift away. I put my phone on silent ,but it was still going of like crazy and I honestly wanted to throw it at the wall. I got finish up most of it ,but I definitely want to work on synthesis essay a bit more.

Reflection April 27,2020

Today was pretty much just like yesterday and overall pretty good in my opinion. We didn’t have an opening today and went straight into class. For class we just asked question we had we had on our rhetorical analysis. Overall I like when Mr.Rease does this I feel like I get to see where I made my mistakes and when others ask question I’m sure that I take notes. I still want to improve a lot so I can get a good score. I like that Mr.Rease took the time to leave commentary so I can improve and see where I mess up. I feel better prepared but I still want to work on time since that’s what sometimes messes me up.I’m honestly very glad that we have Wednesday’s off because it really helps me out a lot. The mock test is on Thursday and Mr.Rease said he was going to get us snacks and that made me a bit happy. 

Reflection April 26,2021

Today was a pretty good day I’d say and it was sunny so that was good. We started of class today by doing the opening which was the foundations of building a interdiction, body paragraph and thesis statement. After that we all had to put in one question into the chat we had about the commentary on our essay. Overall I found it easier to understand where I made my mistake and how I should fix it. My question was on citation and I don’t remember writing that down ,but someone reminded me. Seeing everyone else’s question actually helped me out. I’m feeling more prepared for the AP test and I feel more confident about it since I did improve from my previous essay. Class went by really fast for me and I couldn’t wait to go out.

Reflection April 23,2021

I’m just really happy today is Friday so I can finally take a bit of rest. Yesterday felt like Friday to me ,but unfortunately not. Class today went by faster than I expected. We had no opening today so we went straight into reviewing,talking about the calendar and went to work. I was feeling a bit tried and sleepy and when Mr.Rease called on me I tried to remember the correct answer but I gave the answer to a different question. Fortunately for me one of my friends answered it correctly. For the rest of class I just tried my hardest to stay concentrated and finish my class work.

Reflection April 22,2021

Today was a pretty good day so far. At the beginning of class I was feeling a bit tried ,but I was still  able to get all my work done for the day. At the beginning of class we filled out a survey to see who was going to attend the mock exam ,instead of an opening.Today for work we went over a text about Dr. Martin Luther King and went over Rhetorical Analysis.Through out class Mr.Rease also have us some examples and when someone answered it made me giggle a bit since there was a bit of miscommunication.  I had to step away for a bit and meanwhile I was told by some friends that he called on me ,but I wasn’t able to answer. After that we began our work which was pretty much the same thing ,but a different text. Round when I can back we I had only about 5 minutes to finish up my work.

Reflection April 20, 2021

Today was a swell day even though it went by slowly in my opinion. Today we didn’t have a bell ringer and went straight to work. We started of by talking and learning  about Rhetorical Devices. Overall it was very easy to pick since we went through every step and gave examples. I had to step away for a while at the beginning of class so I couldn’t answer much ,but I was still able to hear a few things. It came easy to me especially since Mr.Rease had it color coded which made it stand out more.For the most part I liked the lesson today even though it seemed like it was very long.

Reflection April 19,2021

Today was pretty much a simply day. We started of the day with Mr.Rease explains how AP testing will workout and other information. For the rest of the class period we started on a practice argumentative essay. It honestly caught me off guard since it was a Monday and I wasn’t excepting to have a practice essay. When I first say the assignment my mind went blank for a few minutes. Once I got to reading and reviewing what I would need to write about I started to plan. This is probably the part that makes me think the most ,but once I get going I do good. I felt pretty confident overall writing my essay. I was also able to finish all 5 paragraphs, unlike last time. Even though the practice essay was a surprise to me I still felt confident writing my essay and getting ideas .

Reflection April 16,2021

Today was a really great day and pretty funny too. We didn’t have a Bellringer today ,but we didn’t get into our groups and we had class a whole.We went over 5 types of rhetorical devices today and have a pop quiz at the end. The first one we went over was understatements and Mr.Rease said for the first one we should go over it in class. So when Geo gave an example that’s what I put too, since I thought we all had to put it down. Throughly class we all gave examples we put down and it honestly made me laugh and chuckle at some of them.Especially when Iyana have examples since she said funny things.Overall today was good and it went by way to fast 

Reflection April 15,2021

Today was pretty much a calm day and it went by slower to me,probably because we weren’t working.For the bell ringer today we talked about the days left until the test,our grades, and the last day of school. Looking at the calendar made me feel a bit anxious since it so close now.For the first time in a while we spent time outside of our work groups and stayed in class.We went over Rhetorical Analysis what it was and how to apply it. For the being part it was easy to understand ,but around mid way I started to get a bit confused I later caught on at the end.Overall today was a pretty informative day.

Reflection April 13 ,2021

 Today was a pretty long day but went surprisingly fast in my opinion because of the work. Today in my group we started to see our sources and overall we did well. We still got some finalizing to do, but we did good progress. Mr. Rease helped me with some trouble I was having with my file os which was good. There's not much to say since it was mainly working and staying on task. I couldn't wait to get my work done so I could finally go out and get my mind a bit relaxed. It seems like summer is almost here at the same time it feels so far away. Today was a pretty good day and I felt productive. 

Reflection April 12,2021

 It’s the first day of retiring back to class and it was going decently until I kept having trouble with my sources. We had a bell ringer for the first time in a while and it was easy to respond too since it just asked us what we did over the break. I really enjoyed my break especially Saturday and Sunday but, it didn’t last long enough. For the rest of class we went over our our sources. Mr.Rease had to go into depth about how to get our sources correct. At first I just had all my sources just in MLA format ,but we had to do it another way. I kept having some trouble with my sources being uploaded. Mr.Rease explained it again when I had a news article. I kept having a few issues with one picture so I had to ask someone.

Reflection April 2,2021

 Today was pretty much a simple and relaxed day, to say the least. I'm honestly really glad that it's officially spring break now. We haven't had a bellringer in quite a while and I'm honestly a bit glad since sometimes the questions would catch me off guard and it would take me bit to think about giving a good response. To me, I think it is a bit beneficial since it helps me type faster and pressures me to get my thoughts together. During class, we took a quiz on vocabulary which was pretty easy, and then we went over it. After that Mr.Rease decided to prank us by saying that we would have to write a blog post over the spring break. I was actually thinking about why none of my teachers pranked us yesterday, but I just thought they didn't feel like it , since we are virtual. I didn't think it would have the worst thing ever but at the same time I would've probably forgotten and I've been looking forward to having a bit of a break to focus on my other wor

Reflection April 1.2021

 Today was pretty good overall, I never seem to have like a really bad day in this class, it's more like I get tired of standing still. We got straight into classwork today, which was finding our work and citing it. In my group today it was more doing our individual work than talking or typing in the chat today. We talked about how to search up our work and it was through Galileo. He brought up the point that we would have to be in the state to access it and he brought up how Iyana was in the Bronx's and it made me laugh since he always brings up little things from our blogs. I really enjoy reading Ryona's blog since she's always hysterical and has good commentary.  I got down to citing 4 articles of information which isn't that bad,but I definitely want to get it done before Spring Break so I can sort of relax and focus on my other work.