
Showing posts from March, 2021

Reflection March 30, 2021

 Today was overall good, it was quite a productive day. It ws sunny outside and like always I coudn't wait to get outside and finally stop being in one place. Today we didn't have a belle ringer so we got straight into th e classwork. During the work period everything went by smoothly and we each did our part to contribute towards the work.Not much to say today since we mainly got straight to work and I checkked some of my friends work as well. The last thing I did during class awas stay after for a bit. Honestly, I can't wait till Fridaycomes so it can finally lead into the weekend since that means my fasting will be over by than.

Reflection March 29.2021

 Today went by really swell and quick, surprisingly for a Monday. The opening was ok and it led to what we had to do for the work period. Since we left on picking our topic for the project, Mr.Rease put us in groups. That was the day I had to leave early so I had a friend explain it to me and they also told me the topic they picked so we could possibly be in the same group, On the day we had to pick out the topics of interest I texted some friends to see if we had the same ideas and we, unfortunately, were put into different groups. I wasn't disappointed though I tend to work well it just about anyone. Overall I actually like all my teammates and I'm sure it will be pleasant working with them. Actually, I think working with anyone in the class would've gone great. We got a lot done today and managed to fill out every square book before class ended. I'm sure everything will go by smoothly since today was nice.

Reflection March 26, 2021

Today was an Aycencronouse school day so, we only had our vocabulary work. Overall today as well and it reminded me of when we had our old school schedule, which I thought was better. The work was ok, but when it came to writing the paragraph using all the words, I had to sit back and think about a situation. This would've been also good timing for yesterday since I had to leave at the end of class. I finished my work for class and later chatted with some friends since our time zones are finally reasonable and compatible with all of us. It very much irritates me a bit if I'm sitting down for too long and makes me uncomfertable and bored. Standing too still is extremely boring to me. So I was glad to finally get out and stretch, get up and go outside. 

Reflection March 25, 2021

 Today was a busy day for me, I was inside the car in the parking lot waiting for my name to be called to go inside to present. At the beginning of class, we didn't have a bellringer, so we went over the vocabulary videos we made. Overall, it was nice I liked seeing other people's videos and creating it was a bit fun as well. The part that took the most time was finding good videos for examples, at first I was looking through Tik Tok, but that was taking too long so I just remembered scenes from animes and movies. At the end of class, we talked about an upcoming project we have to do in groups. That was around the time I had to leave but, I got to see the topics and they are some of my greatest interests or debate with other people. I came back for a little after I was done speaking but, I didn't know what was going on at the end. Fortunately, I was caught up to speed thanks to one of my friends.

Reflection March 23,2021

 Today was very sweet and simple. Class ended very early today, and I'm actually glad it did since I was feeling stressed and was a bit in over my head. I feel like time is going by really quickly not only in days, but for me, there doesn't seem to be much time throughout the day. Today we didn't have a bell-ringer since time wasn't on our side, but we later continued with our lesson. We used the class's paragraphs from Friday's lesson to identify claims, evidence and explaining the evidence. While answering questions I accidentally cut someone and I felt bad since I could hear their expression when they said "GOD....." and I'm pretty they were about to curse before the mic was turned off. I was hoping Mr.Rease would call on them instead of me since they seemed disappointed and like they really wanted to answer the question. Fortunately, Mr.Rease called on them after me which was a bit better.

Reflection March 22,2021

 Today was a pretty basic day, we got to pick what subject we wanted to be taught to us, which was pretty fun. I was growing really restless during the first half of class and was tired of sitting down. So I had to get up and stretch and get up and do something to make me less uncomfortable after sitting for so long..  The bellringer consisted of talking about stereotypes for women and men and it's definitely something that comes up from time to time in my life. It is truly something that I hate seeing or hearing and overall puts me in a weird mood. Later into the day, we talked about discussing and writing prompt topics. Topics like social media and how it is a reflection of one's self and other discussion questions like GMOs and how they affect the plant. 

Reflection March 19, 2021

 Today was overall a pretty good day and I was in a jolly mood since it's finally Friday. At the beginning of class today we started off with a bell ringer that went something along the lines of," How did you win a person over'' I was so uncertain of what to say. Usually, it's the thinking process that catches me off guard which takes me more time.Later we went over the homework from last night, which was pretty easy. Then we had to write one paragraph based on whether younger kids should be pushed to be more acedmically. even though I put i agree that kids should lean more academically at a young age in my paragraph, I don't agree that kids should be pushed so hard in the academic field at such a young, but it was much easier for me to defend my first choice since we could only use the pictures. To me kids should just be kids, they don't need that stress in their lives and mental growth at that age shouldn't be purely from a book or tablet.

Reflection March 18, 2021

 Today was a smooth and pleasant day for me. Nothing too exciting, but I was growing impatient since I was tired of sitting down and wanted to go outside. At the beginning of class, we talked about whether it was important to be around successful people and I said yes it was. After that, we went on to our lesson which, was about analyzing images and how to describe them. We went over images like mail service and statues of Christopher Columbus and what was the significance of it. At the end of class, we just had to describe and analyze comic strips, which was pretty easy and I liked that they were up to date as well.

Reflection March 16, 2021

 Honestly, today went by pretty fast for me, but at the same time throughout some times, it went by slow. It was cloudy and a bit more breezy than yesterday and that really made me feel more sleepy since I didn't get much sleep yesterday either. At the beginning of class today we went over more sophisticated vocabulary words, what they mean and how they are used. Overall I felt pretty confident seeing the words since I knew like 4 of them because some of the words had Latin root words. During the rest of the class, all we did was write a claim and evidence to support the idea of whether the school was boring or not. I feel like overall I did a pretty good job at it since some of my claims were the same as my classmates, but I found it difficult because my phone kept vibrating for the most part while I was writing, Overall it was pretty much a decent day.

Reflection March 15,2021

Today was overall a pretty smooth day, but I wasn't really feeling all the motivated from lack of sleep last night working on a project. Today we reviewed how to construct an argumentative essay, and how to distinguish the claim and evidence. I really appreciate that Mr.Rease went more into depth on how to construct evidence, it helped me out a bit on how to better structure my evidence. I feel like today I have learned a lot and the reviewing helped me out too. Even though it was a bit difficult to stay concentrated today because I really wanted to go outside since it is finally warm and sunny outside, I had to concentrate so I wouldn't miss out on work.

Reflection March 12,2021

 Today was an early release so it was pretty smooth and went by really quick. We got to see our scores from when we toke a practice exam. I feel like for it was a time mangagment problem since, I overall did decently. I definalty want to keep improving myself to reach my highest copasity. When seeing my score I saw what parts I needed in order to get a higher score,and I agree beacuse I only got to write 4 paragraphs and my conculsion was way to short. Through out the remander of the day we countined to talk about the deabte about wether college is worth it or not based on pros and cons. Overall it was a nice and productive day.

Reflection March 11,2021

 For class today we mainly had a talk about whether paying for a college education was worth it or not. My opinion on the matter is somewhere in the middle, but since I need to pick a side I was on the opposing side. To be quite honest I can see why people would be on the opposing side. College tuition in the U.S has been rising while income for most has been only steadily increasing. Not to mention how other tuitions around the world where the majority of students and their family can afford college since the tuition is lower than the U.S.  As we went over the claims of each position my opinion didn't change at all but it did raise important evidence as to why higher education is important. This might just be me looking at this way too hard since I try to keep up to date on economic and political standpoints. Overall today was a good day, informative and simple.😄

Reflection March 9, 2020

 We started the day by learning about grammar and punctuation again. Specifically about apostrophes and semicolons. Overall it was a smooth day for me and I actually learned something new that might've been very simple and that was when a name ends with an s we can an apostrophe at the end. It definitely still confuses me a bit, but I am getting better at it. When it came to learning about semicolons I was a bit skeptical since I never used them and to make my matter worse my dog was barking while we were going over it. Thankfully when I was taking the short multiple-choice I got them all correct but at the same time, I was getting worried and wanted to ask for help. At the end of class, I got to read someone's letter and I thought it was the sweetest and heart-warming thing I have read.😇

Reflection March 8,2020

 Today was an easy and equally informative day since we went over commas. I have never had the biggest challenges with commas but, I definitely do stumble open some questions or add or forget to add a comma when I am writing. Today made it more clear for me when we went over the common rules of commas. The only one that I wasn't certain about was the second one which was, use a comma after an incomplete sentence. This is definitely a rule I need to remember in order to succeed in my writings and test. We also had a 5 question quiz where we practiced the use of commas which I found very helpful. After we went over the correct answers and the explanation and I saw how they correlated to mines everything seemed clearer to me. I definitely enjoyed this kind of learning and to me, it is the best way I learn so I am thankful that Mr.Rease took that into consideration.🙏                                                                                                                        

Reflection March 5, 2021

 Today I realized how much I have been lacking in writing skills, I'm not sure whether it is from online learning or another factor. I am usually a pretty good writer from what my former ELA teachers and other people have read my work. When I hear myself argue or debate everything just flows but when writing now I am having trouble saying everything that pops up or remembering points to explain my evidence. Through today we also did the fame or shame game, and I honestly forgot which one was mine, but I learn better when I see the mistake and than when it is explained to me. Overall I feel positive about the AP test but worried about it since I feel like I might slip up. I definitely need more practice writings and executing it everything in a reasonable amount of time.  

Reflection March 4, 2021

 Today during class I practiced writing an argumentative essay in the AP classroom over either grit was detrimental towards succeeding. Overall throughout writing the essay I felt pretty confident but at the same time feel that I might take the question too literally or I come up with very in-depth thinking and I get off track. It has been a habit of mine for as long as I can remember and it might stem down towards the fact that I am always debating. Another minor problem I faced was the language I would say overall that I have quite a colorful vocabulary, but since I don't really speak English at home or text in English my mind went blank for a bit. Besides that, I feel that my thesis and evidence were great and I provided real-world examples to go along with it as well. I still feel like I have much more to improve on in this class and would like to improve to the best of my abilities. 

Reflection March 2,2021

 Today in class we went through a more in depth meaning behind evidence and how to explain it. The example Mr.Rease  provided today was in a form of a crime scene, this definitely helped grasp a better understanding since I enjoy watching crime shows and trials. Today went by more quickly than I expected it to, probably because I found myself to be more engaged in the topics. Over class today for me was productive, informative and it explained everything in a quick and easy way.   

Reflection March 1, 2021

 Through out class today we went over our thesis and body paragraph of our previous writings from Friday. The components we went over were thesis, claim, evidence 1 and 2 and explain the evidence. While writing the prompt for Buy Nothing Day I felt quite confident. In the beginning I had a great thesis and claim, I feel like for me personally I did better this time around since from last weeks lesson I could see my mistake and fix it. However when I was writing my evidence I felt like I did decent but looking back at it I could do much better and try to keep everything more organized. Lastly for my conclusion I tend to have a habit of leaving of with another example or real life connection towards the readers life when I should be wrapping my statements up.